Sirlsly Art
Lyanne Sirls Spangler, Artist
* Custom Painted Pet Portraits
* Brush’n Chatter Paint Parties
Sirlsly Art
Lyanne Sirls Spangler, Artist
* Custom Painted Pet Portraits
* Brush’n Chatter Paint Parties
Signed in as:
Lyanne Sirls Spangler, Artist
* Custom Painted Pet Portraits
* Brush’n Chatter Paint Parties
Lyanne Sirls Spangler, Artist
* Custom Painted Pet Portraits
* Brush’n Chatter Paint Parties
Paint Your Pet!
Join me at Vino Wine Shop and paint your fur-baby! Cost of this event is $62, which includes all painting supplies and one drink. There are limited seats available so sign up soon. One pet per canvas. You will be given details on photo submission once you register. A clear high quality digital photo must be received by 2/12/25. Your pet will be hand-drawn onto your canvas. No refunds for cancellations.
Register by phone: 919-542-3922 or by email:
Join the fun and come paint some stunning sunflowers with me! Your $35 includes all painting supplies needed to create this painting as well as easy step by step instructions. No art experience required. Beginners are welcome! Bring a friend & come enjoy a relaxed evening of painting. We will be in the cozy back room at BMC. Limited number seats for this one so grab your ticket before they’re gone. Arrive 10 minutes early to grab drinks and get prepped to paint.. See you there!🌻
Paint Party Event
Paint Party Event
Sirlsly Art will be painting The Grinch for an office Christmas party on Friday, December 20th.
Contact me if you would like to host a private paint event at your location.
Painters Choice. Join Sirlsly Art at Vino Wine Shop for our Paint & Sip Event on Sunday, December 15th from 2-4:30 PM. Select which holiday canvas you would like to paint when you arrive. Cost of the event is $40, which includes all painting supplies and one drink. Space is limited. Register by phone at (919-542-3922) or by email ( No cancelations after December 11th.
Another Holiday PAINTERS CHOICE!
Lets paint a snowman! It's your choice of which snowman you would like to paint at BMC Brewing on December 11th 6:00-800 PM. Once you register, I will reach out & ask you which snowman you'll be painting. Your canvas will be pre-drawn for you. Everything you will need to complete your painting is included in your $35 registration fee.
Please arrive a few minutes early. We will begin painting promptly at 6PM since BMC closes at 8PM.
See you there! Happy Holidays!!
It's Time!
We will be painting this adorable highland cow for the holidays at Red Moose Brewing Co. on December 3rd at 6:00 PM. Beginners welcome - absolutely no artistic experience is needed! The canvas will be pre-drawn for you.....can't get any easier than that. Step by step instructions will be provided. Everything you will need to complete this painting is included in your $35 registration fee.
Arrive 10 minutes early to grab drinks and get prepped to paint.
Private Paint & Sip Event.
Your choice of colors for this fun fall stacked pumpkins painting!
Registration for this event is closed.
Private Bachelorette Paint Party